Year: 2019

Auto and Work related injuries  Chiropractic and Law School Training  Over 20 Years Experience  Orthopedic Training  MUA ( Manipulation Under Anesthesia, CA)  Distraction Therapy  Former Medical Examiner (For The State Of California)  Former Clinic Administrator (LACC)  Formal Faculty Member (LACC…

Faradic Current Faradic is a highly specialized current that is not widely used. It is specific for a condition called RD, (reaction degeneration).  It has ability to make muscles contract which their neurology has been damaged. It also to some…

Paraffin Bath Paraffin bath has been used widely for the treatment of stiff joints and osteoarthritis conditions. it is a pleasant modality with very little side effects

Mettler ME 200 Sine wave It produces a number of different types of pulses. Sine wave has been the workhorse of EMS and can be found in virtually most machines. This wave form is a generalist. It can be used…