Day: June 10, 2019

Migraine,  Muscle Tension,  Stress,  Cluster Migraine,  Muscle Tension,  Stress,  Cluster There are many causes for headaches and a number of different types of headaches, Muscle Tension Headaches, Migraines, Stress Headaches, Cluster Headaches, Allergenic Headaches, and headaches caused by organic pathology,…

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome… The thoracic outlet is a small space between the collarbone (clavicle) and the first rib. Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a group of disorders that involve compression, injury, or irritation of the nerves, blood vessels, or veins…

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Wrist Pain and Weakness Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Median nerve dysfunction; Median nerve entrapment Carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the median nerve — the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the…