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Vectra– by Chattanooga

Russian stim / interdiferantal current was developed during the Olympics by the Russians. Its properties allow a higher level of current to be introduced into the body at a very specific site by crossing wave pulses. The results are noticeable improvement of traumatized bone and tissue.  It has substantial properties to reduce inflammation as well as reduced pain. Its ability to increase circulation and decrease inflammation promotes healing. In a number of studies with bone fractures the use of this modality has decreased the healing time by up to 40%.




Dr. Finkle uses the unit for the following conditions

· Acute Trauma

· Osteoporosis

· Degenerative Disc Disease

· Degenerative Bone Disease

· Ligament  Tear

· Swelling

· Bruising

· Disc Herniation’s

· Promote Healing

· And a number of other chronic and subacute conditions


By Chattanooga Corporation


This is one of the most sophisticated and expensive physical medicine units.  It is a computer capable of generating most waveforms.  It is both a generalist and a specialist

 Russian Stim/ Interdifferrantal current